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Top 6 Vehicle Preps For Spring

Looks like Spring is here!

I’m sure you’re ready for bright sunshine, flowers blooming & birds singing but is your vehicle ready for Spring?  We suggest you check the following areas to make sure your fun in the sun will not be disrupted with costly mechanical repairs.

-Air Filter – make sure it’s not discolored with dust & clear of any debris.

-Oil – check oil levels & color of oil. Darker the oil, the dirtier & less effective

-Power Steering & Brake Fluids – check levels & color.

-Engine Coolant – color should be bright & clear. Top off if needed

-Belts – obvious signs of excessive wear or cracking.

-Hoses – any cracks and/or bulges

If you need help looking for a knowledgeable mechanic shop that can help prep your vehicle for Spring, give us a call at 662-280-2022.

Millennium Paint & Body Works

A colliison repair facility that understands each customer drives home our reputation! 


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